What to Use for toothache During Pregnancy

Easy Tips on What to Use for toothache During Pregnancy?

What to use for toothache during pregnancy? This is a very important question as pregnancy-related toothaches can be very stressful and uncomfortable. While it is important to ensure proper dental hygiene during pregnancy, toothaches can happen due to several reasons such as gum disease, cavities, or pregnancy hormones. Thus, it becomes very important to address the issue of toothache during pregnancy so as to ensure that both the mother and the unborn child are safe and healthy.

When it is about your own health and the health of your unborn child, adopting safe and natural ways to treat toothaches during pregnancy should be utmost priority to you and aware of the possible side-effects associated with it.

What to Use for toothache During Pregnancy

What to use for toothache during pregnancy?

1. Maintain Proper Dental Hygiene

It is important that throughout your pregnancy you maintain a proper dental hygiene. Your mouth is the place from where the food enters your body and the same food is what nourishes your child.

To ensure proper dental hygiene, use antiseptic mouthwash, dental floss, and clean your teeth twice a day with a doctor’s recommended toothpaste. Also, a routine dental check-up with a dentist during your pregnancy an identify the possible issues at early stage itself.

2. Clove Oil

Clove oil is safe and home remedy for toothaches during pregnancy. Clove oil has always been known as a natural painkiller since ancient times. Add few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball and place the cotton ball on the affected tooth.

3. Warm Water with Salt

Boil some water and add some salt to it, let it cool at room temperature for some time and then rinse your mouth for 30 to 60 seconds with this water. Repeat this 3-4 times a day. It will definitely help you with the toothaches during pregnancy.

4. Over-the-counter Painkillers

Ibuprofen or acetaminophen are some of the common over-the-counter painkillers that are often used to treat toothaches. But do remember that before taking any medication, you should consult your gynaecologist or dentist as these might not be suitable to be taken for during pregnancy. Aspirin should also not be used since it may raise the risk of bleeding during pregnancy.

Important Causes for toothache during pregnancy

1. Dental Cavity or Mouth Infection

If the toothache is due to dental cavity or mouth infection, getting a tooth filling or a root canal is often suggested by dentists. Consulting a dentist will be a wiser choice in this case.

2. Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that affects the pregnant women. Gestational diabetes can possibly increase the risk of tooth decay and gum problems leading to toothaches.

3. Pregnancy Gingivitis

The hormonal changes during pregnancy may lead to gum swelling and often gum bleeding in women. This condition is called pregnancy gingivitis. Pregnancy gingivitis can be another cause of toothache during pregnancy.

4. Oral Thrush

Oral thrush is a yeast infection that is commonly seen in pregnant women causing extreme discomfort, redness, and white spots on the cheeks and tongue. This also ultimately leads to toothache during pregnancy.

Important points to note in toothache during pregnancy

1. Oral Cancer

It is important for me to also aware you about the warning signs of oral cancer, which include non-healing sores, prolonged discomfort in swallowing, and change in the mouth texture/colour. Oral cancer can develop in and around tongue, gums, or throat.

2. X-rays and Anesthesia Drugs

It is often suggested to pregnant women to avoid getting X-rays done or receiving any form of anesthesia drugs during the dental procedures as it exposes the unborn child to these harmful radiation and drugs. However, seek the medical practitioner’s advice as they are the best person to assess your case and suggest the needful course of action.

3. Alcohol and Caffeine

Limit the intake of alcohol and high caffeine drinks such as coffee as these are detrimental to both you and your unborn child.

4. Soft Toothbrush

During pregnancy the gums are very sensitive and hence using a stiff toothbrush might lead to bleeding. Thus using a soft toothbrush is always preferable.

5. Diet

Your diet plays a very important role in keeping the gums and teeth healthy. Thus include foods rich in calcium, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. It is also very important to avoid sugary food and drinks and they may lead to dental problems.

6. Preterm Labour

Studies have found that pregnant women with tooth problems are more prone to the issue of preterm labour. This is because the germs have the tendency to circulate and produce inflammation throughout the body leading to this problem.


Toothaches during pregnancy is really a very irritating and unpleasant experience. However, if the necessary steps are taken at the right time it can controlled and treated. You should always seek advice from the doctor or dentist before taking any kind of medications.

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