Natural Ways to Cure Alzheimer's Disease

11 Natural Ways to Cure Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s is a disease that adversely affects the memory of the person. In this disease the memory of the person becomes weak and the person starts to forget many things in day to day life. Gradually, the person also starts losing thinking and decision-making ability. In some cases, the person has a hard time understanding, following instructions, or even speaking. In medical sciences today, there is no permanent cure to Alzheimer’s Disease. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that 5.8 million Americans already have Alzheimer’s disease; by 2050, that figure is expected to almost quadruple. In this article we will discuss the natural ways to cure Alzheimer’s Disease.

Natural Ways to Cure Alzheimer's Disease


But there are certain ways which can definitely provide you relief in this disease by working on its symptoms.

The Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

There are three primary stages of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms: early, medium, and late.

Early warning signs include:

  • loss of memory, especially short-term memory loss
  • Difficulty carrying out routine chores, such as following a recipe or preparing a meal
  • Disorientation, including getting lost in locations you know well
  • Language problems, such as the inability to remember words or to find the appropriate words to express oneself
  •  Mood fluctuations, including a propensity to become irritated, confused, or melancholy quickly

Middle-stage signs include:

  • More significant memory loss, such as forgetting loved ones’ names or important dates
  • Having trouble identifying friends and relatives
  • Difficulty with self-care and basic hygiene
  • Incontinence, or having trouble managing bowel and bladder movements
  • Walking and keeping balance is difficult
  • Loss of enthusiasm for hobbies and pursuits
  • Heightened agitation, bewilderment, and sadness

Symptoms of a late stage include:

  • Severe confusion and memory loss
  • Communication and linguistic challenges Difficulties in self- and other-recognition
  • Eating and swallowing challenges
  • Reliance on others to provide primary care has increased
  • Loss of motor abilities, such as the inability to stand or sit up
  • Heightened risk of diseases like pneumonia

It’s crucial to remember that every individual with Alzheimer’s experiences the illness differently, and symptoms may differ significantly from person to person. While some people’s symptoms may progress quickly, others could see a delayed development.

The ability to adequately control the illness depends on early Alzheimer’s disease identification. It’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider if you or a loved one is exhibiting signs of memory loss or cognitive impairment. Several tests, including mental and memory assessments, blood tests, and imaging scans, may be used to determine if someone has Alzheimer’s disease.

The Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers have found several possible risk factors, even though the precise origins of Alzheimer’s disease are not yet completely known.

  • Age is one of the significant risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. As individuals age, their chance of contracting the illness rises, with most instances affecting those over the age of 65. However, the condition may also affect younger individuals, which is not typical for ageing.
  • Alzheimer’s disease development is also influenced by genetics. The APOE gene is one of many linked to a higher risk of contracting the illness by researchers. A particular variation of this gene is related to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease among carriers. However, it is crucial to remember that only some people who possess this gene will experience the illness.
  • A history of brain trauma, depression, and a lack of physical and mental activity are additional risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. People who have had a traumatic brain injury, mainly if it was severe, are more likely to get the illness. Similarly, Alzheimer’s disease is more likely to strike those with a history of depression. An increased risk of getting the condition has also been connected to a lack of physical and mental exercise.
  • Environmental variables may also increase the chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease. According to studies, those exposed to particular chemicals and pollutants, such as pesticides and lead, may be more likely to get the illness. People who consume a diet rich in cholesterol and saturated fats may also be at a greater risk.

Although the exact origins of Alzheimer’s disease are still being investigated, several variables are probably involved. Age, genetics, and way of life all affect how the condition develops. Alzheimer’s disease has no known cure, although there are techniques to treat the symptoms and delay the illness’s development. These include prescription drugs, treatments, and lifestyle modifications, including eating well and exercising often.

In conclusion, many and varied factors contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. The likelihood of contracting the illness may rise due to genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Alzheimer’s disease has no known cure, although early diagnosis and treatment options may help control the symptoms and halt the illness’s development. Concentrating on preventative measures and risk factors is crucial to lowering the likelihood of contracting the disease.

11 Natural Ways to Cure Alzheimer’s Disease

1. Sesame Oil

Sesame oil finds a very special place in Ayurveda when it comes to enhancing memory. You can use it in 3 different ways. First, slightly heat the sesame oil and then put 3 drops of it in both of your nostrils. Second, massage the soles of your feet, with the lukewarm sesame oil. Third, replace your cooking oil with sesame oil

2. Tomatoes

Including tomatoes in your can really help you in Alzheimer’s Disease. For a person suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, it is advised to keep their blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar level under control as they further aggravate the condition of Alzheimer’s.

The nutrients found in tomatoes help in lowering the blood pressure, cholesterol levels, controlling sugar levels, and keeps your heart healthy. Thus, including tomatoes is definitely a good idea to get rid of Alzheimer’s disease.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. In many scientific studies, it has been found that the curcumin present in turmeric contains nanoparticles which are extremely helpful in not only repairing the damaged cells of the brain but also in increasing the memory.

Thus, you can include turmeric in your daily diet as a cooking spice or drink turmeric milk before bed by adding a pinch of turmeric powder in a glass of milk.

4. Breathing Exercise

For people suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, it advised doing at least 10 minutes of breathing exercise daily. This improves your mental strength and increases memory.

5. Ayurvedic herbs such as Shankhpushpi, Ashwagandha, and Brahmi.

The elements in these ayurvedic herbs are found to increase mental performance, increase memory power by keeping the brain nerves active.

6. Almond Oil or Clarified Butter/Ghee

Pouring 2-3 drops of ghee or almond oil in both of your nostrils on a daily basis can be very helpful in Alzheimer’s disease.

7. Almonds and Walnuts

Including almonds and walnuts in your diet can be very helpful in Alzheimer’s disease. One of the best ways to use this is to soak 6-7 almonds and 3-4 walnuts in water overnight and eat it early in the morning.

8. Exercise

Research has indicated that regular exercise may enhance cognitive performance and lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Blood flow to the brain is increased during practice, which may aid in feeding and shielding brain cells. Additionally, it promotes the development of new brain cells, which may enhance cognition and memory. Regular exercisers are less likely to get Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, according to studies.

9. Nutrition

Eating a balanced diet may help lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish has been shown to be good for the brain’s health. These foods are a good source of antioxidants, which may help guard against harm to the brain’s cells. Additionally, they contain vital omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for brain health. Further, it has been shown that a Mediterranean diet, which is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, is especially advantageous for brain function.

10. Acupuncture

Thin needles are inserted into the skin at particular locations on the body during acupuncture, an age-old Chinese medical technique. It has been discovered to work well in treating many ailments, including Alzheimer’s disease. Acupuncture has been found to enhance memory and cognitive function in those with Alzheimer’s disease and may also lower the chance of getting the condition.

11. Yoga

Yoga is a physical activity that incorporates breathing exercises, meditation, and physical postures. It has been discovered to work well in treating many ailments, including Alzheimer’s disease. According to studies, yoga may lower the chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease and enhance memory and cognitive function in persons with the condition.

Some Tips to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Keep your weight under your control
  • Do not smoke and consume alcohol
  • Control your blood pressure, sugar level, and cholesterol level
  • Involve yourself in brain strengthening games such as Chess, Sudoku, etc.

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